We can teach anything remotely—both online and classroom teaching are in our DNA!
We're an innovative provider of online training founded by a law school clinical professor, who was chair elect of the AALS Section on Teaching Methods and co-founded the AALS Section on Technology, Law & Legal Education (also serving as its chair).
Our main objective will always be accomplishing your learning goals, with the right blend of interactivity and engagement to fit your firm's culture and program plans.
What they're saying
"I found myself thinking numerous times how helpful this would have been for me when I was a junior associate."
Manager of Associate Relations (Former Associate), Am Law 100 Firm
"I think the negotiation was a great exercise to work through issues, anticipate push back, and work collaboratively on those issues with teammates."
Associate, Am Law 100 Firm
"[A]fter learning more about basic contractual terms, I feel even more confident, because I feel like I understand the language within the documents better."
Associate, Am Law 100 Firm
"Overall, I thought this training was extremely valuable. Filled in some knowledge gaps where I did not encounter certain items in previous work. In addition to the content itself, just being around other associates in formal and informal settings was a great opportunity for networking, bonding, and sharing experiences, strategies, and common concerns."
Associate, Am Law 100 Firm
"I think the negotiation was a great exercise to work through issues, anticipate push back, and work collaboratively on those issues with teammates."
Associate, Am Law 100 Firm
"I just perused last year's evals, and did I ever tell you your score was the highest we've ever had for your topic? All participant-evaluators . . . gave you the highest rating possible! That's a record. Clearly you are a great fit for [our firm]'s needs!"
Programs Director, Am Law 100 Firm