
Clicking a book title below will take you to a page where you may learn more about the book, as well as purchase it.

Contract Fundamentals

Publisher: Praktio

Author: Michael L. Bloom

Brief Description: A reference guide that provides complete explanation of contract structure and "building block" provisions, including the purpose and function of each type of provision, key considerations for analyzing and drafting the provision, and the interaction of the provision with other provisions.  Register for the Contract Fundamentals interactive online course and receive this book for free.

Contracts and Commercial Transactions

Publisher: Wolters Kluwer/Aspen Publishers

Author: Michael L. Bloom and David Zarfes

Brief Description: Designed for use as the primary text of an upper-level law school course on transactional contracts, with a focus on developing awareness, knowledge, and skills pertaining to transactional contracts through working through actual documents of increasing complexity.

Contracts: A Transactional Approach

Publisher: Wolters Kluwer/Aspen Publishers

Author: Michael L. Bloom and David Zarfes

Brief Description: Designed for use as a supplementary text for a first-year or upper-level law school course on transactional contracts, with a focus on developing awareness, knowledge, and skills pertaining to transactional contracts through working through actual documents of increasing complexity.