Contract Fundamentals

Takes ~4.5 hours Bite-sized modules On-demand Access for 1 year
Learn the practical concepts and skills needed to review, draft, or negotiate any agreement, with this interactive, on-demand course.
$299 per learner

Used by individuals at top companies and firms, including:

I have completed the Praktio courses and really loved them: I believe they significantly improved my contract drafting and reviewing skills.”

Edward Wang
Then Associate at Cooley

Develop a practical framework for working with any contract.

Contract Fundamentals teaches the fundamental concepts of contracts through an engaging sequence of exercises. Work through the materials on your own time, at your own pace—you can always stop, save, and return to where you left off.

What you'll learn

  • Understand the building-block provisions, conventions, and language of contracts.
  • Develop practical contract skills, including drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts.
  • Become more effective—and learn much more quickly from—working with contracts.

Why Praktio e-learning?

We believe the best way to learn is through realistic, guided experiences that are engaging and chock full of feedback at every turn. Like all of our courses, Contract Fundamentals is:

  • Practical: Improve professional skills through realistic exercises that transfer to real-world work.
  • Interactive: Drive learning, retention, and application through science-backed interactive learning.
  • On-demand: Access powerful learning anytime, anywhere with self-paced, bite-sized training modules.
  • Basic Structure
  • Intro Provisions
    • Preamble
    • Recitals
  • Core Provisions
    • Covenants
    • Representations & Warranties
    • Conveyances
    • Licenses
  • General Provisions
    • Conditions
    • Definitions
    • Indemnification
    • Limitation of Liability
    • Stipulated Relief
    • Term & Termination
    • Integration
    • Assignment & Change of Control
    • Modification & Waiver
    • Dispute Resolution
  • Complex Structure