Currently, we can create customized digital training,
with content provided by you,
for the following learning activities:
Teach attention-to-detail/proofreading skills in any type of document—
or any other skill/knowledge that can be taught—
by having a learner click the "correct" location in a document or text excerpt.
1 - Insert text from the documents your firm or group uses for the skill being taught. For example, the sample screenshot uses a realistic litigation document for teaching proofreading skills to litigators.
2 - Change the instruction prompt to fit the particular task/activity presented to the user. For example, in the sample screenshot, the user is instructed to click the "nit" and to reference a provided checklist for a list of "nits" to look for.
3 - Use our default character image or use photos of your own professionals (which react to learner performance on each exercise).
1 - The explanation/feedback text for each exercise.
2 - The correct answer for each exercise (the region of the text where the learner is supposed to click).
As the learner makes mistakes, the platform activates two reinforcing exercises of the same type (the first, a few exercises later and, the other, at the end of the course).
Create on-demand, self-paced training tailored to each learner based on their performance!
See Precision Training: Litigation Edition for an example of a course built on this model.
Teach interviewing, counseling, fact gathering, giving/receiving feedback—
or any other skill that can be taught—
by having a learner engage in a conversation activity.
1 - Provide character responses that are activated based on the learner's response.
2 - Use our default character image or use photos of your own professionals.
3 - Provide the learner response options. This can include "good" responses and "bad" responses (which the learner may correctly dismiss).
See DealSimulator: Analyzing Contracts for examples of modules built on this model.
If you're interested in creating custom training with Praktio or learning more, send us a message.