Redlines (a/k/a "bluelines," "blacklines," or "comparisons") are a staple of turning drafts. The mechanics of producing a redline are relatively simple. And yet junior attorneys and staff often run confusing, mislabeled, unlabeled, or incorrect redlines often due to misunderstanding the goals of running the redline in the first place. This course teaches how and why redlines are useful to your audience and how to run redlines to make their job as easy as possible (and, ultimately, yours as well).
Training outcomes
- Learn how and why redlines matter in a document turning workflow.
- Learn what redlines to run to focus your recipient on relevant changes.
- Learn practical tips for naming and organization to facilitate running accurate redlines easily.
Running useful redlines begins with empathy for your audience
We begin this course by From there, the learner will explore , across multiple versions and stakeholders. The learner will learn about cumulative and iterative redlines and how to make sure to focus their audience on the changes most useful for them at each transmittal of drafts. To drive home these lessons, the learner will Lastly, we'll review to make sure the learner runs redlines as usefully as possible through their drafting process and whenever they're sending a draft to someone else.
Learn by making mistakes in realistic, no-stakes exercises
As is always the case with Praktio courses, learners learn not just through watching and listening to practical lessons and examples but also through doing —not to test, but to provide opportunities to apply and practice, while receiving
Build a curriculum
Pair with these other offerings to build out your practical, online, interactive curriculum.

In case you were wondering
- What, Why & How
- Focusing on Relevant Changes
- Pro Tips for Running Useful Redlines
CLE: Not currently available.
Duration: You will have 1 year from the date of purchase to access and complete your online course materials. On average, it takes about 30 minutes to complete the whole course; however, learners get to decide how much time to spend on each exercise and module.
Accessing: Following checkout, you will receive an email providing you with access to your online course materials.
Compatibility: Please use Chrome on a PC or Mac computer.
Reference Materials: As part of this purchase, you will also receive an e-book (which you may download or print for your use and later reference).
We Don't Share Your Scores! Praktio does not share user performance data (e.g., "scores") with anyone, including employers (e.g., if you're an associate taking this training at a law firm). The only information shared with employers who purchase this training for their employees is progress data (e.g., how much of the course you have completed by when).