Law Firm FAQs

Chances are you have questions. We have answers—if not below, contact us! Contact Us


The following are the two most common ways Praktio launches training organizations. However, if neither seems to fit your needs, let’s discuss. There might be other ways we can launch our training to fit your logistics needs.


You and Praktio determine:

  • Launch Date: The date to start access to the training for assigned courses for the group of learners.
  • Deadline: The deadline for learners to complete each course (usually about 4-6 weeks from the launch date), which the organization should communicate to the learners ahead of time. (In a typical launch, users will continue to have access beyond the deadline—for a full year from the launch date.)
User Setup

You send Praktio a spreadsheet with the names and emails of the learners ahead of the launch date.

Kickoff Web Meeting

Praktio offers a kick-off call on the launch date, where Praktio's founder, someone from the organization, and the learners (at least those you can make it) all join to discuss the organization’s reasons for offering Praktio, Praktio’s learning goals for each course, and important points to highlight (like that the organization won’t receive any performance/score information about anyone but will receive reports on user progress/completion).


Praktio will set up automatic reporting to be emailed to whomever at the organization should receive it, detailing each user’s progress/completion in their assigned courses. This can be set up to go out weekly (most common), daily, or monthly.

Courses & Seats

You tell Praktio how many seats you’d like for which Praktio courses.

Link & Code

Praktio will send you a link and a unique code for each desired Praktio course, good to be used for how many seats you purchase for each course.

User Setup

You make the link and code(s) available to your users to use to gain access to whichever courses they are assigned or volunteer to take.

Welcome Emails

After a user uses the link and code to sign up for a Praktio course, Praktio will automatically email them a welcome email with a unique link for them to set up their login credentials (if they haven’t already) and start to access their training.


Praktio will set up automatic reporting to be emailed to whomever at the organization should receive it, detailing each user’s progress/completion in their assigned courses. This can be set up to go out weekly (most common), daily, or monthly.


Praktio e-learning courses are available under a few different pricing models:

  • Per Learner/Per Course: E-learning course per-learner pricing varies for each course. These prices are listed for each course in the e-learning course catalog and on each course's product page (each linked from that catalog).
  • Per-Learner Bundles: E-learning courses are available for purchase in bundles at a per-learner price. Check out each bundle and its per-learner price on Praktio's Law Firms page.
  • Enterprise Bundles (Unlimited Learners): E-learning courses are available for purchase in bundles for an unlimited number of learners at law firms. Check out each bundle and its "Unlimited Learners" price on Praktio's Law Firms page.

Typically, for live workshops, we charge:

  • 2-hour (or shorter) workshop – $7,500†
  • 4-hour (or shorter) workshop – $12,000*
  • 8-hour (or shorter) workshop – $15,000*

†pricing only available for workshops delivered virtually; the minimum fee for an in-person workshop is the 4-hour workshop rate

*plus reasonable travel expenses for in-person workshops


Because Praktio self-paced courses are highly interactive, the answer to this question heavily depends on each learner. For example, a motivated learner who has very little background in the subject matter of a Praktio course is likely to spend more time in each module, repeating content, closely reviewing feedback, etc. This is one of the great features of self-paced online learning. Those who need to go slowly and repeat can, and those who are confirming their knowledge can move more quickly.

Additionally, all Praktio courses are designed to fit into the differently busy schedules of our learners. In any module, the learner can exit at any time (which automatically saves their progress) and pick up where they left off at any point in the future.

You can see an approximate, average time it takes learners to complete each course on each course listing in our e-learing course catalog.


Contract Fundamentals is available for CLE as follows: CA - 3.0; IL - 2.5; NY* - 3.0; VA - 2.5.

Confidentiality Agreements is available for CLE as follows: CA - 1.0; IL - 1.0; NY* - 1.0; VA - 1.0.

Doing Due Diligence is available for CLE as follows: CA - 0.75; IL - 0.75; NY* - 0.5.

Praktio’s other courses aren’t currently available for CLE, but we can seek additional CLE accreditation upon request.

*Available for CLE in NY under the NY Approved Jurisdiction policy

Tech Requirements

Praktio should work well “out of the box” for your organization, but there are a few tasks we recommend sharing with your IT folks to make sure nothing surprising happens:

  • Access to our platform requires adding our domain to your allowlist. If possible, add a wildcard record, set to *.praktio.com. If a wildcard can’t be used, then add these domains/subdomains:
    • praktio.com
    • lms.praktio.com
    • learner-ui.praktio.com
    • author-v2.praktio.com
    • content.praktio.com
  • Allow users to use Chrome or Edge to access Praktio courses.


Yes! Contact us to discuss. We can customize existing Praktio courses, collaborate on developing new ones, or develop something exclusive for your organization.